Reimbursable Expenses
This document provides the guidelines for what qualifies as eligible business expenses and what is ineligible. While it is meant to be all-inclusive, employees with questions should contact their Manager. Kinetix expects employee to book economy fare and individual/basic rooms. Expenses over 60 days old will not be reimbursed.
Eligible Expenses
1. Airline Travel – Employees are expected to reserve the lowest applicable non-refundable coach fare. Alternative flights must be selected if the savings exceed $200 and the resulting increased travel time is no longer than an hour and a half.
First class air travel will not be reimbursed. Employees may upgrade through payment or use of frequent flier mileage, at their personal expense.
Employees are required to book air travel at least two weeks in advance. Travel not booked within the two week window requires an authorized manager’s approval.
Unused airline tickets are negotiable documents and must be returned for a refund.
In order to provide overall savings to the Company and a benefit to our employees, employees may select a discounted airfare, which requires a Saturday night stay-over. The employee will be reimbursed for single hotel room cost and applicable meal expenses, limited to the difference between the lowest applicable unrestricted airfare, minus the actual discounted airfare. A statement of the lowest applicable airfare should be submitted with the expense report. A calculation of the extra expense compared with the reimbursement limitation should also accompany the expense report.
2. Automobile Rentals – Automobiles should be rented only when public transportation and taxis are impractical, more expensive, or not available, and only when traveling out-of-town.
Vehicles of the compact car class are customary for individual employees. The next size class may be rented when two or more employees are traveling together.
Reimbursable items include the actual cost of the rental, tolls and gasoline purchases. Employees should refuel prior to returning the rental to avoid the costly refueling fee charged by the rental companies.
Extended insurance coverage is not a reimbursable item. Employees should decline extended insurance coverage because the Company maintains corporate coverage.
Only employees are authorized to drive rental vehicles.
3. Customer Meals & Entertainment – It is recognized that business practices and common courtesy sometimes require that gifts and entertainment be extended to present or prospective Clients. These occasions are strictly limited and may not involve secret commissions, hidden gratuities or payments to third parties that might have influence on such Clients. Kinetix employees’ participation in these events must be kept to a minimum. Only those employees who have legitimate host responsibilities may attend. Gifts and entertainment may be reimbursed if all of the following conditions are met:
They are consistent within generally accepted ethical and legal standards:
They are of such limited value and are in such form that they cannot be construed as a bribe, payoff or deal;
The Client has not advised it has a policy against or otherwise limits receipt of gifts and entertainment by its employees and agents.
Entertainment expenses must either directly relate to the conduct of business or occur directly before or after substantial business discussions.
Criteria for judging entertainment as ordinary and reasonable are:
Not lavish: the value of the entertainment is not considered lavish or extravagant and is reasonable for the situation.
Specific purpose: the entertainment must have a specific, predetermined business purpose.
Non-recurring: the entertainment must not be conducted over an extended period of time with the same persons or with different persons from the same organization unless an extended sequence of business transactions is being conducted.
Minimum participants: the persons entertained must be restricted to those needed to achieve the business objective.
4. Long-term Assignments – When out-of-town on long-term assignments, visits to the employee’s local home are reimbursable as follows:
Fares for trips are reimbursable every two weeks.
Employees may fly home or alternatively have a companion fly to his/her location, if the expense is not significantly more.
5. Hotels – Employees must use business-level hotels, such as Holiday Inns, Days Inns, etc.
A single room should be reserved. Suites are acceptable only when the suite accommodation is the standard-room-type of the hotel and the cost is consistent with local single room rates. At certain Company functions, participants may be required to share rooms with other Company personnel.
Room reservation guarantees are automatically made to the employee’s charge card at the time of booking. If the employee is unable to use the reservation, it is the employee’s responsibility to cancel either through the approved travel agency or directly with the hotel. Most US hotels require that cancellations be made by 4:00 p.m. “No-show” charges are not reimbursable. The following types of expenses are considered to be of a personal nature and will not be reimbursed:
Personal services such as barber, beautician, manicurist, shoeshine and massage;
Special room services, such as in-room movies; and
Additional charges for room upgrades or special floors.
Reimbursable meal and entertainment charges included in the hotel bill must be segregated into the appropriate columns of the expense report.
6. Laundry and Dry Cleaning Services – Employees traveling on Company business and absent from their homes for more than five consecutive days are entitled to laundry/valet expenses up to a maximum allowance of $10 per day beginning on the fifth day.
7. Business Meals – Employees are reimbursed for meals and incidentals when traveling out-of-town overnight.
Meals with others, including employees in a specialized group meeting and recruits, are reimbursable only when:
Prior approval is obtained from the employee’s immediate supervisor.
Meals, per person, are limited to: Breakfast $10, lunch $15 and dinner $35. Amounts in excess will not be reimbursed. These amounts are not cumulative (i.e. you may not skip lunch in lieu of a $60 dinner reimbursement).
A valid itemized receipt evidencing the actual purchase of the meal claimed for reimbursement must be submitted with the Expense Report.
If more than one employee attends a business meal, the senior member of the group should pay for the meal and claim the reimbursement.
8. Meetings – The Company will pay or reimburse employees for all valid business meeting expenses. The authorizing manager is responsible for ensuring that meeting expenses are valid and reasonable and are necessary to achieve desired business objectives. Meeting on Company premises is the business norm. Business meetings held off Company premises require prior approval by the CEO.
A higher level manager within the initiator’s organization who did not attend the meeting should approve business-meeting expenses. The approver must determine that the meeting expenses are reasonable and consistent with Company policy. The approver must also review the adequacy of the supporting documentation to corroborate the meeting expenses.
Business Meeting expenses that are not reimbursed:
Casual, impromptu meetings in which the discussion is general and not addressed toward a specific business objective: for example, a lunch characterized by shoptalk.
A meeting held in any facility, e.g., principal residence, cottage, boat, owned or leased by an employee or a member of his or her immediate family.
One-on-one business meals between employees when neither is on travel status unless the meeting is a job interview.
9. Membership Dues – Reasonable membership dues for professional societies that are directly related to the employee’s job function are reimbursable only if pre-approved by the employee’s manager or CEO.
10. Non-billable Expenses – Any expenditure incurred by a consultant that is compliant with Company policies but that is not reimbursable by a Client must have CEO/COO, Finance approval prior to the consultant being reimbursed. The CEO/COO, Finance should also document the basis as to why the expenditure is not billable to a Client.
11. Parking
Parking charges paid by an employee as part of commuting during a normal business day are not reimbursable.
Parking charges associated with conducting business at other than the employee’s normal business location are reimbursable and may include:
Parking at local airports when using a personal automobile. Employees must use less expensive, long-term parking, where available.
Parking at public parking facilities when on business-related visits.
13. Spouse Travel – Spouse or companion travel, which is required for business-related activities and is to be reimbursed by the Company, requires prior written approval by the CEO. This approval is to be included with the documentation accompanying the expense report.
14. Transportation Reimbursement – Reimbursement for personal automobile use will be authorized when the employee is required to travel to another location for business reasons, including to and from airports/rail stations at the IRS’ annual published mileage reimbursement rate. This rate is updated each year on the expense report. Employee will be reimbursed once they submit an expense report with the mileage from their trip.
When commuting to a customer or Client, the total round-trip mileage from the employee’s residence to their permanent place of business (i.e. branch location or long-term assignment at Client location) should be deducted from the actual mileage incurred. The difference is available for reimbursement.
Bridge and highway tolls are reimbursable in addition to the flat mileage rate.
Limousine services are not allowed within a city if taxi services are available. Use of limousine services is permitted only if no less expensive alternatives are available.
Normal daily commuting mileage, bridge, and highway tolls to the employee’s office is not reimbursable.
15. Travel Incentives – The employee may keep points accumulated through participation in airline, hotel, car rental or personal credit card promotions. Travel arrangements should be the most cost-effective available and not determined by available incentives.
Employees who choose to participate in such programs are responsible for application and program administration. Membership fees for promotional programs are not reimbursable.
Individuals may use travel incentives to purchase Company-reimbursed travel services. In such cases, the Company will provide the employee with a taxable bonus of 50% of the lowest available coach airfare for that flight.
Ineligible Expenses
Alcoholic Beverages are non-reimbursable
Airline clubs – Membership fees and charges relating to airline clubs such as Crown Club, Red Carpet Club, Admiral’s Club and others are not reimbursable for any employee.
Airline/Hotel/Automobile upgrades.
Clothing – regardless of the circumstances (e.g. lost luggage).
Computer hardware and software – both new and upgrades. All computer hardware and software purchases must be made through the IT Department.
Credit card fees – including all charge card fees, except the corporate American Express card. Late charges and all other related charges are not reimbursable.
Customer gifts – unless it meets the criteria as noted previously.
Equipment rentals – including slide and overhead projectors, screens, computers, printer, sound systems and similar items. If necessary for business purposes, these items need to be arranged through the Office Manager and processed through Accounts Payable.
Flowers – only reimbursable under circumstances of employee, consultant or customer hardship (funerals, sickness) or births within employee’s direct family (CEO/COO, Finance approval required).
Gas receipts – itemized mileage must be submitted for reimbursement.
Newspapers, books, magazines, business and professional journals – the local branch/subsidiary office will purchase various publications for general use, if appropriate. (CEO/COO, Finance approval required).
Office supplies – including paper, calendars, Day Timers, diaries, diskettes, fax paper, notebooks, pens, pencils, printer and copier cartridges, refills, postage stamps, and similar items should be ordered through the Executive Assistant to the CEO.
Personal hotel services – including barber, beautician, manicurist, shoeshine and massage.
Travel Accident Insurance
Parking tickets and traffic fines
Baby-sitting / House-sitting / Pet Boarding
College/University alumni dues
Cellphone Accessories
Gifts for current or prospective clients
Stationery items – including letterhead, greeting cards, business cards, personal stationery and similar items
Political Contributions